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作者:在职研究生信息查询网 来源:在职研究生信息查询网 上传时间:2019-11-27


  1. We ______ play on the town square when we were children.

  A. are used to B. were used to C. used to D. use to

  2. He ______ dangers that doesn’t exist.

  A. forever imagines B. is forever imagining

  C. imagines forever D. forever is imagining

  3. The point is worth ______.

  A. being mentioned B. mentioning C. to mention D. mentioned

  4. The firm decided after a board meeting that the old machinery in the factories ______ with.

  A. do away B. should be away C. should do away D. should be done away

  5. I got a headache. Otherwise I ______ to the lecture.

  A. would go B. would have gone C. went D. have

  6. It’s high time that the girl ______ sent to school.

  A. were B. was C. be D. is to be

  7. They have all got up, and ______.

  A. Jack has too B. so has Jack C. also has Jack D. Jack hasn’

  8. Never before that night ______ the extent of my own power.

  A. did I feel B. had I felt C. I had felt D. I did felt

  9. This depends on the purpose ______ the electronic device is used.

  A. on which B. at which C. where D. for which

  10. Jackson is not ______ as you imagine.

  A. so a big fool B. so big a fool C. such big a fool D. a such big fool

  11. It was when he took a job in a company ______ he began to learn English.

  A. when B. that C. which D. what

  12. It was president of the union ______ the students elected him.

  A. who B. whom C. which D. what

  13. Nancy is so poor that even fifty dollars ______ a big sum to her.

  A. is B. are C. add D. equal

  14. Truth and honesty ______ always best policy.

  A. are B. is C. have been D. be

  15. They found the conditions there ______.

  A. much improve B. much to improve

  C. much improved D. be much improved




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